ABSolEU Outcomes
- Outcome 1
Composition profiles of ABS waste streams and rABS outputs
- Outcome 2
Analytical techniques for characterisation of ABS products and waste streams
- Outcome 3
Processes for physical recycling
- Outcome 4
Business cases and scenario development
- Outcome 5
LCA and impact Studies
- Outcome 6
Guidelines for EU wide accepted definition of recyclate and procedures to ensure consistent quality of recyclates
ABSolEU Project Milestones
- Successful selection and collection of wABS feedstocks Ability to differentiate and recognise different
- Sources of ABS based on (N)IR and XRF data Delivery of 100 g samples of iABS
- Quantification of environmental impact of innovative physical recycling technology
- Process assembly for iABS (kg scale) commissioned
- Action plan finalised for post- ABSolEU activities to ensure full exploitation
- Delivery of kg-scale samples of rABS material
- Determination of criteria for selection of recycling method
- ABS data management system demo completed